2017年4月27日 星期四



Characters: Narrator(N), Father(F), Daughter (D), Queen, Rumpelstiltski( R ), Chorus

N: Once upon a time there was a poor working man who was very proud of his daughter.  She was sweet and nice, but her father thought she was the sweetest and nicest child in the world.

Father: She can swim like a fish.  She can sing like a bird. And, she can spin straw into gold!

Chorus: Wow! We must tell the Queen.  Straw into gold?  What a wonderful thing!

Queen: I heard you have a daughter who can spin straw into gold.

Father: Yes, indeed.

Queen: Then bring her here.

Father: The queen wants to hear you sing.

Chorus: It’s not true.

Daughter: What? Me? Sing?
Queen: So you are the girl who spins straw into gold?
Daughter: “Straw into Gold,” is that a new song?
Queen: I didn’t say sing, I said spin, spin.
Daughter: I can’t. Tell her, Father. I can’t spin straw into gold.
Father: Do the best you can.
N: So the Queen took the poor girl to a small dark room with straw and a spinning wheel.
Queen: Here is the straw, and there is the wheel.  You must spin the straw into gold.
Daughter:  But, I can’t.
Queen: You must try. If you can’t, you will die.
Daughter: What am I going to do? 
Chorus: What can she do?
N: The girl sat down on the floor and began to cry.  Suddenly, a tiny little girl showed up and spoke in a friendly voice.
R: Hi! Don’t cry.
Daughter: What? Who are you?
R: It doesn’t matter who I am.  But why are you
Daughter: I’m just a simple country girl, but I must spin straw into gold or tomorrow I will die.
R: I see. But what will you do for me, if I do this for you?
D: Here, take my necklace.
N: The tiny little girl took her necklace and began to spin. The next morning, the room was full of gold. 
Queen: Unbelievable! Do it again, and I’ll make you my daughter.
Daughter: (To the audience) But I don’t want to be a daughter of a greedy and brutal mother like her.
Chorus: She doesn’t want to be a princess.
N: In a moment the tiny girl was there bouncing around the room.
D: Please, dear girl. Can you do it again? And after that, put me to sleep like I was dead for three days.
R: So you want to pretend to be dead for three days? Then what will you do for me?
D: Anything!
R: Anything? Why don’t we play a game? You must guess my name in three days; otherwise, you will return to the old and dark room.
D: How will I ever guess your name? But… all right, I’ll try.
N: The next morning, the Queen came found the room was full of gold, but the daughter was put to sleep like she was dead.
N: At first, her father was very sad and regretted what he had done, but then he was very happy that his daughter was alive.
Chorus: You have three days to guess her name.  Three days, three days.
N: On the evening of the second day, the little girl came and listened to the daughter guess her name. Finally, she said
R: I will give you a clue.  It starts with R.
D: Rainbow?
D: Ruby? Rebecca? Rachel?
R: No. No. No.
N: On the afternoon of the third day, her father said he heard a strange sound in the deep forest.
F: While I was working in the deep forest. I saw a strange tiny girl sing to herself, which started like this,
Chorus: “ Tomorrow, tomorrow, I’ll win the game. Nobody knows my name. I’m called Rumplestiltskin.Father: It’s Rumplestiltskin. Rumplestiltskin.
D: That’s it.  It must be her.
R: Today’s the day! I will win the game.
N: The father and daughter wait for Rumpelstiltskin.
R: Your time is up.  Have you, ha ha ha ha, guessed my name?
D: There are so many names that start with R.
R: Of course, they are.
D: RUM-PEL-STILT-SKIN.  Rumpelstiltskin.
R: What? How?
Chorus: Rumpelstiltskin is your name.
R: Oh, no! I lost the game! Yes, Rumpelstilskin is my name.
N: The little girl got so angry.  In a flash she stomped her left foot in the ground and disappeared into it forever.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

