2017年4月27日 星期四


"Good Time"
(with Carly Rae Jepsen)

It's always a good time
It's always a good time

Woke up on the right side of the bed
What's up with this Prince song inside my head? 怎麼這首潮歌一直在我腦海
Hands up if you're down to get down tonight
'Cause it's always a good time

Slept in all my clothes like I didn't care
Hopped into a cab, take me anywhere
I'm in if you're down to get down tonight
'Cause it's always a good time

Good morning and good night
I'll wake up at twilight
It's gonna be alright
We don't even have to try
It's always a good time (Whooo)

Whoa-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, whoa-oh-oh
It's always a good time
Whoa-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh
We don't even have to try, it's always a good time.

Freaked out, dropped my phone in the pool again我嚇壞了手機又掉到水池裡
Checked out of my room, hit the ATM
Let's hang out if you're down to get down tonight 如果你今晚不開心,我們到外面晃晃
'Cause it's always a good time

Good morning and good night
I'll wake up at twilight黎明;薄暮,黄昏
It's gonna be alright
We don't even have to try
It's always a good time (Whooo)

Whoa-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, whoa-oh-oh
It's always a good time
Whoa-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh
We don't even have to try,
It's always a good time.

Whoa-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, whoa-oh-oh
It's always a good time
Whoa-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh
We don't even have to try,
It's always a good time.

Doesn't matter when
It's always a good time then
Doesn't matter where
It's always a good time there

Doesn't matter when,
It's always a good time then

It's always a good time

Whoa-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, whoa-oh-oh
It's always a good time
Whoa-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh
We don't even have to try,
It's always a good time

Whoa-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, whoa-oh-oh
It's always a good time
Whoa-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh
We don't even have to try,

It's always a good time.






 獎品是學生自製精美小國旗喔~  認真用心的態度,真是讚讚讚  !!!

 小孩子的眼界,拓展世界觀,學習動機更強 !!!











Characters: Narrator(N), Father(F), Daughter (D), Queen, Rumpelstiltski( R ), Chorus

N: Once upon a time there was a poor working man who was very proud of his daughter.  She was sweet and nice, but her father thought she was the sweetest and nicest child in the world.

Father: She can swim like a fish.  She can sing like a bird. And, she can spin straw into gold!

Chorus: Wow! We must tell the Queen.  Straw into gold?  What a wonderful thing!

Queen: I heard you have a daughter who can spin straw into gold.

Father: Yes, indeed.

Queen: Then bring her here.

Father: The queen wants to hear you sing.

Chorus: It’s not true.

Daughter: What? Me? Sing?
Queen: So you are the girl who spins straw into gold?
Daughter: “Straw into Gold,” is that a new song?
Queen: I didn’t say sing, I said spin, spin.
Daughter: I can’t. Tell her, Father. I can’t spin straw into gold.
Father: Do the best you can.
N: So the Queen took the poor girl to a small dark room with straw and a spinning wheel.
Queen: Here is the straw, and there is the wheel.  You must spin the straw into gold.
Daughter:  But, I can’t.
Queen: You must try. If you can’t, you will die.
Daughter: What am I going to do? 
Chorus: What can she do?
N: The girl sat down on the floor and began to cry.  Suddenly, a tiny little girl showed up and spoke in a friendly voice.
R: Hi! Don’t cry.
Daughter: What? Who are you?
R: It doesn’t matter who I am.  But why are you
Daughter: I’m just a simple country girl, but I must spin straw into gold or tomorrow I will die.
R: I see. But what will you do for me, if I do this for you?
D: Here, take my necklace.
N: The tiny little girl took her necklace and began to spin. The next morning, the room was full of gold. 
Queen: Unbelievable! Do it again, and I’ll make you my daughter.
Daughter: (To the audience) But I don’t want to be a daughter of a greedy and brutal mother like her.
Chorus: She doesn’t want to be a princess.
N: In a moment the tiny girl was there bouncing around the room.
D: Please, dear girl. Can you do it again? And after that, put me to sleep like I was dead for three days.
R: So you want to pretend to be dead for three days? Then what will you do for me?
D: Anything!
R: Anything? Why don’t we play a game? You must guess my name in three days; otherwise, you will return to the old and dark room.
D: How will I ever guess your name? But… all right, I’ll try.
N: The next morning, the Queen came found the room was full of gold, but the daughter was put to sleep like she was dead.
N: At first, her father was very sad and regretted what he had done, but then he was very happy that his daughter was alive.
Chorus: You have three days to guess her name.  Three days, three days.
N: On the evening of the second day, the little girl came and listened to the daughter guess her name. Finally, she said
R: I will give you a clue.  It starts with R.
D: Rainbow?
D: Ruby? Rebecca? Rachel?
R: No. No. No.
N: On the afternoon of the third day, her father said he heard a strange sound in the deep forest.
F: While I was working in the deep forest. I saw a strange tiny girl sing to herself, which started like this,
Chorus: “ Tomorrow, tomorrow, I’ll win the game. Nobody knows my name. I’m called Rumplestiltskin.Father: It’s Rumplestiltskin. Rumplestiltskin.
D: That’s it.  It must be her.
R: Today’s the day! I will win the game.
N: The father and daughter wait for Rumpelstiltskin.
R: Your time is up.  Have you, ha ha ha ha, guessed my name?
D: There are so many names that start with R.
R: Of course, they are.
D: RUM-PEL-STILT-SKIN.  Rumpelstiltskin.
R: What? How?
Chorus: Rumpelstiltskin is your name.
R: Oh, no! I lost the game! Yes, Rumpelstilskin is my name.
N: The little girl got so angry.  In a flash she stomped her left foot in the ground and disappeared into it forever.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

2017年4月26日 星期三


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