2015年12月31日 星期四


Somewhere in the world- ALTIYAN CHILDS

Somewhere in the world tonight
There’s no fighting
Somewhere in the world tonight
Someone’s falling in love for the first time
I believe there is a place
Where fear is finally waving goodbye
Somewhere in the world tonight

Everything’s alright

 Somewhere in the world tonight
There’s no crying
Somewhere in the world tonight
Someone’s holding their first child
I believe there is a place
Where the truth can wash out all of our lies
Somewhere in the world tonight
Everything’s alright
 So take me there
Can you take me there

Somewhere in the world tonight
There’s no indifference
Somewhere in the world tonight
Everyone has a voice (sweetest voice)
I believe there is a place
Where rich & poor can walk side by side
Somewhere in the world tonight
Everything’s alright

So take me there (*repeat)
Take me there, take me there
Take me there

Somewhere in the world tonight
There’s no hiding
Somewhere in the world tonight
Someone’s leading the way

Somewhere in the world tonight
Everything’s alright

2015年12月9日 星期三

利用聖誕節前夕, 將孩子之前由英文字母構圖做成的聖誕節裝飾掛在英語故事屋, 增添了聖誕節的氣氛

2015年11月19日 星期四

帶領209代表學校參加本屆英語歌曲演唱比賽區賽(低年級組) , 孩子們很興奮也很緊張