2016年10月20日 星期四



105四年級讀者劇場校內比賽-彩虹魚Rainbow Fish

劇本簡介: 彩虹魚原本是大海裡最漂亮的一條魚兒,但是他卻總是孤單的一個人,沒有好朋友可以一起玩,但是有一天,章魚告訴他方法,希望他可以將身上閃閃發亮的鱗片拔下來送給他的朋友,希望他可以學習如何分享,彩虹魚原本非常的不願意,因為這是他非常珍貴的寶貝,但是當他真的將鱗片分送出去之後,他感覺到好幸福好快樂,原來分享是一件多麼美好的事!

The most beautiful fish in the ocean is asked to share one of his shining scales with a little blue fish, and to which he refuses. All the other fish in the sea leave him alone, and he wondered why. He goes to the wise octopus for advice, and she tells him to give away his scales. Rainbow Fish reluctantly does so, except for one. In the end, he is less beautiful than he was before, but he has new friends and is now the happiest fish in the sea.

2016年10月19日 星期三